
The Medical Accessories Support Trust (MAST) aims to promote confidence, creativity and a sense of community to all those living at home with a medical accessory of any sort, that’s attached to or an external part of their body. The term accessory is used here as an umbrella term to cover the multiple different types of changes or additions to their body that an individual with ill health may experience, such as stomas, tubes, lines and catheters. It is also used to encapsulate the MAST philosophy that these accessories are a part of or extension of the body, that can be celebrated as such and worn with pride and individuality. MAST aims to be inclusive to all whether their accessory makes them one of thousands or one of just a handful. We believe we have common ground between us and that we are stronger together.

The Scale and Impact of the Calea (UK) Crisis

We have chosen to publish a personal account of the impact of the Calea UK TPN manufacturing crisis, due to the seriousness of the situation and its effect on the lives of some of those with Central Venous Lines and the other medical applicances they live with. Read on for a Personal Account Part 1: Impact on Body, Mind and Living Life and Part 2: Impact on TPN Protocols and Practice.


New Personal Perspectives Feature

Why the Current NHS Crisis Makes my Heart Skip a Beat. Read on to find out more about living with Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) in the context of current pressures on the health system…


28th February 2018 is annual Rare Disease Day. If you have a rare disease consider sharing your story, through social media or at rarediseaseday.org, where lots more info is available, including posters and ideas for holding an event if you are able. Don’t forget to share how the medical appliance(s) you live with are a part of your rare disease story #ShowYourRare


Please join us in supporting Colostomy Day on Saturday 7th October. Colostomy UK says “Whether it be a colostomy, Ileostomy or urostomy, the fact is stoma surgery saves and improves lives. People with stomas work, play, have children, raise families and run marathons, but still there is a stigma attached to having to having one. We need to change this. Let’s celebrate how super stomas are!” For more information click here.

MAST is sharing a story of two super stomas and their awesome owner! Click here for more!


Latest Posts: HAN Awareness Week 7-13th August 2017

A significant number of us using the medical devices and associated stomas and exit sites discussed at MAST will have current or past experience of enteral (feeding through the GI tract) or parenteral (bypassing the GI tract) nutrition. Often there isn’t a huge amount of awareness surrounding these types of nutrition, particularly parenteral nutrition as there are only a few thousand adults and children in the UK on PN. We’ve put together a table that gives a quick overview of the basics here, as well as an article detailing the personal experience of both types of nutrition here and an article exploring husband / parent / carer perspectives here. Don’t forget to spread the word and check out the pages at PINNT for much more info.


HAN Awareness Week

We will be supporting PINNT’s Home Artificial Nutrition (HAN) Awareness Week, which starts on Monday 7th. PINNT supports the needs of enteral or parenteral nutrition users. Check back here for articles and experiences from those with Central Lines and G / J Tubes. To find out more check out the PINNT website. #HAN2017

New What Lies Beneath Campaign

Read all about our campaign to help spread awareness of the hidden medical devices and appliances that people live with, and their need to have access to disabled facilities. Find info cards & leaflets here.

New Decoration Feature…

For some people, in addition to choosing the right medical appliances, accessorising in some way can help bring them a sense of ownership, personalisation, incorporation, reclaimation, humour, individuality, beauty, or style, (to name but a few), to their body and accessory. Read more